Friday, August 25, 2017

"Build in" gratitude reminders/enhancers

We automatically let our poor lower brains go into overdrive on trying to protect us from possible dangers, but we fail to fill in the "safe" side, the "feeling good" side of living life!

I suggest you find a few blogs that specialize in gratitude reminders, like 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Thinking Of A Happy Person - As A Model

One of the happiest people I know did me the favor of sharing with me an "affirmations" writing she did a few years back.

I can see why she is so happy with a viewpoint and philosophy like that.

You may enjoy reading The Viewpoints And Affirmations Of A Happy Woman. You can link to the page it is on by clicking on the link below. The page is called Examples Of Philosophies Of Happy People.

It is easier to formulate good affirmations, statements, and declarations (all part of the Affirming/Empowering part of the Psychology section) from already written examples, picking and choosing and adapting them to what fits you .

An excellent, powerful philosophy will totally transform one's life and happiness. I recommend that you complete one for yourself, as it will save you alot of "misfires" and unnecessary unhappiness.



Examples Of The Philosophies Of Happy People: